About me
I am a Senior Lecturer at Lund University, specialising in Software Technology. My university home page is here.
Most of my current research is funded by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems, and Software Project (WASP).
- (Static) program analysis
- High-level domain-specific languages (specifically declarative languages)
- Interactive program transformation tools
- Automation in software engineering
- New approaches to program synthesis and re-engineering
Open Positions
- PhD position on program analysis for software security within the ShiftLeft project
Current PhD students
- Alexandru Dura
- Momina Rizwan
- Idriss Riouak (as secondary supervisor)
- Joel Nyholm (Halmstad University) (as secondary supervisor)
Graduated PhD students
- Krishna Narasimhan, received his PhD from Goethe University in 2017. Now at Head of Technology and CSO at the Hessen AI Quality & Testing Hub GmbH
- Noric Couderc, received his PhD from Lund University in 2023. Now full-time lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Lund University.
Previously I served as junior professor for Software Engineering and Programming Languages at Goethe University Frankfurt. Before that, I worked in the software industry at Google, and in research, both at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, on parallelisable query languages for Java, as a postdoctoral fellow with Yannis Smaragdakis.
I completed my PhD on program metamorphosis at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2010. Program metamorphosis is a novel technique for interactive multi-step program transformation with strong behaviour preservation guarantees and described in more detail here. My PhD supervisor was Amer Diwan (now at Google).
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