Old and unsorted items
Teaching artifacts
- Standard ML Resources: Includes a set of short SML exercises and an SML reference sheet.
- A trivial lambda calculus interpreter for the untyped lambda calculus. Mind you, it's really simple and not guaranteed to terminate.
Unpublished notes
- Set Theory for Understanding Programming Languages: A brief introduction into the syntax, semantics, and fundamental definitions underlying set theory, geared towards computer scientists. Used as part of the CSCI 3155 course in Programming Languages at CU Boulder. [PDF] [PS]
- Deciding Dynamic Deontic Linear-Time Temporal Logic: A discussion of the decidability of dynamic deontic linear-time temporal logic and of restricted variants on it. [PDF] [PS]
- Beweisnetze in Linearer Logik: A discussion and alternate proof of correctness of proof nets in linear logic (in German). [PDF] [PS]
Free Software projects
- FreeSCI is a clean-room re-implementation of the 16 bit SCI VM (dynamically typed, message dispatching, manual memory management) used in the late 80s and early to mid-90s by Sierra On-Line, Inc. in their adventure game series. I started the project (based on Carl Muckenhoupt's SCI image viewers and resource decoders) and maintained it from 1998 to 2002; I'm still involved in development.
- FreeSCI package mirror.
- FreeSCI IRC logs.
- The Sierra Creative Interpreter, by Lars Skovlund, Christoph Reichenbach, Ravi Iyengar et al.: Partial documentation for the SCI engine.
- A LIDO major mode for Eli and EMACS; currently only handles text highlighting.
- SML/NJ libreadline interface, v0.1.3
- `hilt' command-line regex highlighting tool, v0.1
University projects
- Projekt Läufer: Christian Rüdiger, Christoph Reichenbach, Markus Weimer: Entwicklung eines Mechatronik-Frameworks für das Projekt Läufer (in German) (Studienarbeit, Darmstadt University of Technology). [PDF]
- Projekt Läufer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl, Christian Hessling, Christoph Reichenbach, Markus Weimer: Embedded Systems in der Projektentwicklung-- vom virtuellen zum realen Produkt (in German) (published in "Thema Forschung", 1/2002). [PDF]
- Projekt Läufer: Christoph Reichenbach, Christian Rüdiger, Markus Weimer: Strampelnder Tux (in German) (unpublished). [PDF] [PS]
- seqcalc: A statistical analyser for certain properties of data sequences, either artificially generated (Markov chains) or read in. Computes entropy and transinformation of random event chains; developed for in cooperation with Manuel Dehnert and Prof. Dr. Marc-Thorsten Hütt, Darmstadt University of Technology (Dept. of Biology). Current release: 0.3.10a [tar.gz]
Endorsed links
This page is Copyright © 2004--2011 by Christoph Reichenbach. Re-use in whole or in parts is allowed without restriction.